There are crystals that are excellent to help a peaceful sleep and others that charge you up. In this post, I’ll be sharing a list of six crystals you can use for sleep so you have a more restful night. This post was actually inspired by a personal experience of mine. I had been sleeping[Read More]
The Best Crystals for Cleansing, Detoxing + Aligning
How are you feeling after the holidays? Need a little detoxifying? Want to learn how to detoxify and align with crystals? How’s your mood doing? Maybe put on a few pounds? There are crystals just waiting to help! I put together a list of 11 crystals you can use to help cleanse the inner body,[Read More]
Gift Guide for Crystal Lovers
Are you looking for something special for the crystal lover, healer, yoga enthusiast, or Starseed in your life? This post will simplify gift giving this year with 11 gift ideas to please your loved ones. And with a simple click, it will be sent to you with no shipping charges! How easy! 1.[Read More]
How to Make a Crystal Essence Elixir
I’ve been working on my Advanced Crystal Practitioner Certification and one of the classes is about making crystal essence elixirs. Elixirs are such a powerful tool for clearing out what ails you or for infusing energy into your being. I chose to make an elixir for love, self-love, healing on all levels, clarity, and to[Read More]
How to Keep Your Sanity During a Pandemic
With all the “who could’ve imagined this would happen” changes going on in the world right now, I want to talk about how to keep your sanity during a pandemic. At least, this is how I did it with crystals. My healing crystal journey started in mid-March 2020, just as the Covid pandemic was in[Read More]
How I’ve Been Using Reiki + Crystal Grid Energy to Help Protect People From COVID-19
For the past eight weeks, I’ve been sending out a combination of Reiki energy and crystal grid energy to friends and family to help protect them from contracting the COVID-19 virus. Over 100 people eventually signed up to be on my list. There are family members. There are friends, and friends and family of friends.[Read More]
Which Crystals Are Okay and Not Okay in the Sun
I love the look of my crystals on the dining room table. It brings me joy to look at them as I pass through the dining room to the kitchen every day. I also enjoy having them easily accessible to me when I do a Reiki session or feel the need to do a quick[Read More]
The Powerful Benefits of Orgonite
The Power of Orgonite Orgonite is a powerful energy source that fits into your daily life in so many ways. What is “orgonite”? It’s a strange word . . . and I needed to learn more about it! Organic and inorganic materials mixed at a 50/50 ration create orgonite. The resin is the organic part,[Read More]
How to Connect to Your Pendulum to Seek Answers
I cherish using my pendulum to seek answers and enjoy the loving connection we have.When there’s a question I need guidance with I ask my pendulum a question that can be answered with “yes” or “no,” and sometimes I get a “maybe.” The energy guiding the answer comes from within myself, but it’s deep within[Read More]
How to Raise Your Energy and Vibration Levels
Have you wondered how to raise your energy and vibration levels? Over the past few years, I have personally been working on raising my energy and vibration levels and have reached a point where all I feel is an incredible constant buzz! The flow of energy that rises from my feet, through my legs and[Read More]