What is Reiki and How Does It Work?
Maybe you've heard a little bit about Reiki but are still wondering what it is exactly and how it works.
Let me give you a little background information:
Reiki is a Japanese word meaning Universal Life Force Energy. It is an ancient hands-on healing art reintroduced in the mid-19th century by Dr. Mikao Usui in Japan. It's a holistic healing system to create emotional, spiritual, mental, and physical harmony.
A Reiki Master attunes a person to be a Reiki channel by placing Reiki keys in their crown chakra. That person then becomes a vessel for channeling the Reiki energy.
Reiki energy is a gift from Spirit, or God. It is not a religion. Many will experience their Reiki guides either subtly, or maybe not so subtly. My Reiki guides are very gentle and bring a calming energy to a session. They protect me from the negativity that can come from a client and they direct my sessions with love and compassion.
Who Reiki is For
Reiki is for everyone. I understand that some people feel uncertain about Reiki, but I can assure you that it won't harm you. There is no need to fear it!
Reiki is not only good for people, but also animals and plants! The healing flow of energy is drawn from the Universe, or God, which are one and the same Source, depending on your beliefs, and are drawn in through the crown.
My Experience Being Attuned to Reiki
I was blessed with a Reiki attunement in February 2019 after Reiki I and Reiki II classes from Reiki Master Martin Turner at The Sacred Tree in Newburyport, Massachusetts.
Reiki has changed my life in such a positive way since then. After 21 days of self healing, I was ready to offer my newly acquired Reiki gift to others. It was exciting to be able to send distant Reiki sessions to my two kids in California as well as my friends and other members of my family.
A major perk of doing Reiki is that I also receive a Reiki treatment during someone's session. There is a sense of calm that comes over me and it leaves me feeling dreamy eyed, relaxed, and cleansed of any negative energy floating around in me.
Since my attunement to Reiki, I am highly sensitized in my hands and feet. I can feel a constant energy flow coming up through the soles of my feet and up to my knees. My hands also pulsate all the time, and I'm much more connected with crystal energy than I was before the attunement
What to Expect in a Reiki Session with Me
When I give an in-person Reiki session, I first cleanse the room of any negativity that may be lingering from another session. I also clear myself of any residual negative energy remaining within me.
I then draw out three Reiki symbols in the air to bring the powerful surge of Reiki into the room. This essentially "turns on" the Reiki flow in me and I will immediately begin to feel the energy flow from my crown to my hands.
To begin the healing, I will start at a person's head, laying my hands gently over their eyes, temples, and back of head. These are the spots that often hold the most anxiety and stress so this will help awaken the third eye to increase psychic vision, and almost immediately brings a client to a relaxed state. Sending Reiki energy to the head area will help calm headaches, dissipate any worries, and lift feelings of depression so I often spend most of my time focusing on these areas.
I will move down the body to the throat and jaw to remove feelings of anger or resentment or to balance blood pressure. Then I will move to the upper chest area to help treat coughing, fear, panic, stress, and a whole lot of emotions.
From there, I will go wherever guidance leads me, including the heart and other chakras, the liver, stomach, arms, legs, feet. While I'm doing this, I keep my thoughts and intentions focused on sending healing energy, bright crystallized white light, and relief from pain.
The Benefits of a Reiki Session
A person receiving Reiki can become very calm and relaxed as stress and anxiety are released.
I continually imagine chakras being aligned and cleansed, and moving negative energy out of the body.
Many times a Reiki client will feel the whoosh of the energy flowing through, leaving them with a sense of lightness after I clear out the stale energy. Sometimes I can feel a blockage as I scan the aura of the body with my hands. When this happens, I will pull out whatever is causing the energy block and dispose of it immediately.
I also enjoy using crystals in my Reiki work and will always lay selenite under the Reiki table to cleanse the space. I usually have an assortment of crystals close by and will ask guidance which stones should be used.
Clear crystals and an orgonite wand will often be used to move energy through the center of the body, clearing and aligning chakras and aura. There are times when I feel that the chakras need to spin freely, so I use a selenite wand to get them spinning and on track.
If a client has a particular issue, I'll spend more time in that area, holding my hands over the part of the body that's causing the issue. If it's stress and anxiety, I will be able to feel it in the head area. If it's stomach and gastrointestinal issues, I will be able to feel in the lower chakra areas. My concentration is focused on removing the pain or feelings of tension.
Reiki can calm down a headache and vertigo, as well as relieve a stomachache. My intention is to move out what is causing the pain.
Near the end of a session I will bring in polarity to balance the chakras, healing work to infuse clear crystalized energy, and more crystals to align and cleanse. I then seal in the Reiki energy and close the person up so that they leave feeling refreshed, cleansed, relaxed, and energized!
About Distant Reiki
Another great thing about Reiki is that my clients don't have to physically be on my table – they can also get a distant Reiki session from wherever they are in the world and receive the same level of healing.
When I'm working on someone distantly, it's as if they are right there on my table. My intentions and actions are all the same and the healing energy will be able to find the client no matter how far away they are.
Just as the in-person Reiki energy will find the spot in the body where it's needed the most, the Reiki energy will be able to find the client when my intentions are set to the location a person is residing.
My Continued Schooling as an Energy Worker and Healer
I've been a Reiki practitioner since February 2019. Along with my Reiki training, I also regularly train in energy healing and polarity work.
My own healing and schooling continues on a regular basis while working with my energy worker Denise. She offers regular individual sessions where chakras are realigned and cleared, inner child work is done, and issues from the past and present are healed. Since I am now holding my power, I am able to continue moving to higher levels with each session.
Every month I attend group healing sessions where we have different sets of guides come in to heal our past-life traumas, inner child issues, sub personalities, blockages, and future life issues.
I also attend a monthly workshop where a small group of healers and energy workers come together to enhance our abilities, heal each other, practice reading each others' energy, and learn from each other. It's an intense four-hour class that integrates over several days. Each of us are on our own unique path, but the same path in many ways, and we all have different healing abilities. The camaraderie is special, and we each bring an incredible magical energy to the workshop.
Never would I have imagined that crystals and energy healing would be my calling . . . but then again, I guess there have been many signs leading to this over the years. The connections have been showing up in my life, and I'm excited to continue this journey!
Connect + Heal with Me
If you are interested in receiving a Reiki Energy Healing session from me, click here.
If you have any questions or feedback you can contact me via email or simply comment below!
I look forward to connecting and healing with you!
Nice write up about the practice. I’ve used Reiki for quite a while and have found it valuable.
Thanks so much, Malcolm! Reiki is awesome! No wonder you seem to have that calm energy flowing through you.