This Satin Spar Selenite 7-8-Inch Stick is good for a quick cleansing of your crystals or yourself.
It’s also good under the table when doing Reiki or energy work. Good for use in power grids either by itself or in combination with other stones.
It contains all the positive qualities of quartz crystals in healing power and protection.
Satin spar selenite has the same properties as selenite. They are both forms of gypsum. Selenite is the transparent variety of crystallized gypsum, and satin spar is the opaque form of gypsum.
It connects very strongly to the physical body and is supportive in a hectic life. Satin spar selenite boosts personal growth during times of stagnation. It strengthens the bones, aids in fertility, and restores supplements to the skin.
Satin spar selenite clears stagnation in a specific area of the body. It’s good for meditation and telepathy. The stone stimulates the mind, and clears the mind when making difficult decisions. It is a grounding stone, and a good massage tool to whisk blockages away from the energy field.
It is called the lucky stone and brings good fortune.