This beautiful Lazulite Small Free Form is like looking at the night’s sky and has wonderful energy.
Lazulite detoxifies the heart, mind, and soul. It also balances yin and yang energies.
This stone helps you stay away from bad habits. And assists awareness of the thoughts we attract and shifts them to more positive frequencies. It also amplifies the energy of affirmations.
Lazulite helps tune into other levels of reality and other dimensions. Activates psychic abilities, supports greater focus and self-discipline in mental pursuits. Helps to overcome headaches, eye strain, and migraines.
This lovely stone helps to balance chakras and maintain peace of mind. Infuses positive and uplifting spiritual energies. Relieves tension, increases self-respect, encourages speaking your truth.
Lazulite helps in giving insight to life’s problems with intuitive solutions. Provides mental stability.