This beautiful Golden Healer Merkaba is not only a master power stone, but also has the merkaba shape to connect with higher realms.
Golden healer is a master healer. It is a powerful healing crystal! This stone is good for calming anger, aligning yin and yang energy, dissolving negative emotions, and promoting compassion and empathy.
It allows the golden light of Universal Life Force to flow into the body through the Crown Chakra. The energy that comes from a golden healer quartz clears blockages and imbalances. It readies the body for multi-level healing.
This stone raises your vibration to release unwanted energies and restore balance. It also encourages peace and harmony.
Golden healer also activates healing on a physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual level. This stone connects all the chakras and cleanses the whole chakra system. It also opens the energy fields for healing. And it opens the consciousness for information and guidance from higher dimensions to achieve your highest good.
Golden healer also reaches down to the cellular structure to release old behaviors, conditions, and patterns. It gives the gift of understanding what needs to be changed or eliminated from life.
The merkaba shape is made of 2 intersecting tetrahedrons that spin in opposite directions, creating a 3-D energy field. You can activate this light around your own body with practiced meditation & breathing techniques. The shape reminds us of the potential power we can wield when we unite our own energies in pursuit of connection & growth.
It combines opposing energies in perfect balance: masculine & feminine, earth & cosmos. This union results in an activation of light & protection around the body that can transport your consciousness to higher dimensions. Helps connect with spirit and higher selves.