In this month’s collective card reading I used my new Messenger Oracle deck that I picked up in Sedona for a major theme for the month. The message was Embrace the Masculine! The picture on the card is the Green Man, which is very appropriate for this month.
Collective Card Reading for April 2024
In this month’s collective card reading, I used my new Oracle of the Unicorns deck for a major theme for the month, and the unicorn card was HOPE! While many of the collective are doing well, there are many who are not right now with all the changing energy going on. I think this card[Read More]
Collective Card Reading for March 2024
With so many swords in this reading, the cards are telling us that by using our intellect and communication skills, we can achieve the abundance we’re looking for!
Collective Card Reading for February 2024
This month’s card reading is about accepting and loving yourself, and remembering that loving yourself first and foremost is key to moving forward with a gentle spirit to create your heart’s desires!
Collective Card Reading for January 2024
This month’s card reading is about reassuring you that even though times may be tough right now, you have what it takes to get through this and charge ahead better than ever!
Collective Card Reading for December 2023
Last month’s reading was a little on the dark side, asking you to look at your shadow self. I know, for me, I started to see the patterns in myself that I wanted to change. As I noticed and acknowledged them, I could bring them to light and make a conscious effort to make positive[Read More]
Holiday Open House 2023
I’m excited to open up my house for my second annual Holiday Open House where I get to share all my gorgeous crystal beauties and amazing selection of jewelry and gift items! My crystal room and whole house buzzes with the electricity these awesome specimen pieces emit! I know you’ll appreciate and connect with the[Read More]
Collective Card Reading for November 2023
This month’s card reading is about taking a look at your shadow side (negative thought patterns, bad habits, dependencies, addictions of any sort, whatever makes you feel uncomfortable about yourself). First thing is to identify and acknowledge these traits. Then shine a light on them to loosen their grip and accept and integrate these qualities[Read More]
Collective Card Reading for October 2023
This month’s card reading says that it’s time to end a major phase or aspect of your life that no longer serves you and open up to the possibility of something far more valuable and essential. Time to close one door so you can open another door! For this month’s collective tarot card reading I[Read More]
Collective Card Reading for September 2023
This month’s card reading says that you are magical, and you have the power to create the life you want! It’s a good time to release anything in your life that does not serve your highest good! For this month’s collective tarot card reading I used The Light Seers Tarot by Chris Anne. If you’re[Read More]