This card reading is about finding your sanctuary after a hectic summer and releasing any stress and worry you’re holding on to!
The theme of this reading from the Oracle of the Unicorns is Sanctuary. If you’ve been running hard all summer, it’s time to take some down time and withdraw from the
hectic hustle and bustle.
Slowing down will be a good thing so you can hear your inner guidance and feel at peace.
It’s important to gain clarity on where you’re going next, and not to blindly follow what others think you should be doing. Time to enjoy some peace and quiet.
Enjoy the magic of silence and solitude.
Queen of Pentacles
It’s time to heal your physical body and take care of yourself and your resources. You’ve been working hard to attain your goals, and it’s time to regroup and get grounded.
The Emperor
You’ve been a powerful source of energy and maintained a high level of discipline and control. Release the control. It’s time to kick back.
Queen of Wands
Your warmth and charisma have attracted people to you and you’ve succeeded in helping others for quite a while now. It’s time to relax.
5 of Swords
The battle is over and you can put down your sword and call it a day!
The Fool
New beginnings are in sight! Let down your guard and embrace a new way of looking at your life. More adventures are on the way once you find a little bit of sanctuary time.
A gentle strength will now be your guide. Have confidence in yourself. Take time for a little self-love.
The Star
All things are possible with the star! Once you take some time off and relax, you’ll be ready to go again. Your energy will be renewed and things will be clearer after taking some time away from any worries and stress.
Three of Cups
Your friends will be there when you’re ready to get back into the party and things will only get better when you’ve taken care of your own needs for a bit.
Four of Cups (on the bottom of the deck)
Be grateful for all that you’ve accomplished but don’t feel obligated to keep pushing forward when you just want to rest and relax. It’s time to embrace a new perspective.
This month is a good time to slow down so you don’t burn yourself out. Maybe do a little meditating to see things in a new light.
If the hectic summer was heading toward stress levels, then it’s best to slow the pace and find some solitude.
You’ll feel reenergized and refreshed when you do.
As we all know, balance is key.
In this month’s collective card reading I used the Cosmic Wisdom Tarot by Ethony and The Oracle of the Unicorns by Cordelia Francesca Brabbs.
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I loved the card reading! I think it is spot on fir my life and the direction it is headed! Peace love and light to you my friend!
Thank you, Linda! I’m so happy that you could relate to the reading and for your comment here on the website! I appreciate you, my friend! Sending love and light back at ya!
Many blessings,