The March 2025 collective card reading is about getting ready for new growth in all areas of your life!
The theme of this reading from the Oracle of the Unicorns is Expansion.
“Spread your wings and soar. Share your message and shine your light. Show the world what you’re made of.”
This Pegasus card is telling you that you’re ready to make a difference in the world!
“Have the courage to do the things you are scared of. Stretch out of your comfort zone and into your potential.”
Don’t shrink yourself to appease the fears of others who may feel you’ll leave them behind. You’ll want to stay true to yourself and your vision to move forward so that others can see what is possible.
“You came here for greatness and it is now time to show the world your magic.”
The time is now! Don’t hide yourself away waiting for something exciting to happen... Be the excitement... Make things happen so others can follow your brilliant path forward!
Hermit (on the bottom of the deck)
Don’t hide your light! Go inward for a reflective moment and prepare to go out into the world and share your many talents with all who you come in contact with.
Two of Wands
There are choices to make. The world is yours and it’s time to decide if you want to take the easy path that you’re so familiar with and stay where you are, or do you want to expand your world and take a bold step forward!
Seven of Cups
Another card of choices! Don’t be distracted by the shiny distractions. Taking an easy route is not the answer. Take on the challenges that will bring you the greatest opportunities for your future.
Call on your inner magic and make a bold choice to change what you can in your life that no longer serves you. It’s time to step into your magic!.
High Priestess
You have all the answers you need to move forward within you. Tap into your intuition with bold excitement.
Ace of Pentacles
Keep your eyes open for the wonderful gift being presented to you. There are new and exciting beginnings coming your way. Set your intention to bring in good health, wealth, and abundance in all areas of your life. Like attracts like so keep all thoughts positive and watch what the Universe has in store for you! Visualize it all happening right now!
Be open to any new teachers, perspectives, or lessons you need to learn so that you can take that next step into your future with confidence and wisdom.
The Lovers
Keep your communication open and honest. Be clear about your values and beliefs. This card is about choices. It’s important to decide who you want to be and who you want to connect with. Hold onto what’s important to you and don’t be swayed by those who are not in alignment with your beliefs and philosophy. Stay true to who you are and be genuine in your endeavors.
Four of Swords
Rest when you need it because things are about to move quickly and you’ll move into a new way of looking at things, growing, and expanding all that you are. Be sure to rest and heal whatever parts of yourself that need healing. Meditate, have a healing session, sleep, or do whatever form of self-care is necessary to refresh yourself to be ready for big changes going forward.
Ten of Cups
The ultimate emotional enjoyment is waiting for you! It’s time to leave behind your old ways, beliefs, and worries. They no longer serve you, and you’re ready to expand in all directions. Open your heart and send love to all your connections!
So much expansion is coming up! If you’re not happy with the way things are going in your life, now is the time to decide to make changes as we head into spring.
New birth, new life, new adventures!
Spring is such an exciting time to come out of hibernation and plan for a fresh start on moving your life forward. Let’s make it happen!
And don’t forget to plant some seeds so your garden will grow!
For this month’s collective tarot card reading I used The Light Seers Tarot by Chris-Anne and Oracle of the Unicorns by Cordelia Francesca Brabbs.
If you’re interested in a personal card reading, please click the button below to set one up!