The January 2025 card reading is about finding and connecting with your soul tribe who supports you and your dreams and sharing all things important to you, including abundance, love, and happiness!
The theme of this reading, from the Oracle of the Unicorns, is Friendship. “Seek out your soul family. Surround yourself with positive people. Spend more time socializing.”
This card is telling you to connect with “like-hearted souls who share your vision for an abundant, happy life full of magic and possibility.”
I love this card because it’s a good reminder to hang out with friends who bring laughter and fun into your life and help you raise your vibration. You’ll attract more laughter and fun through your uplifted energy.
You may be held back by family and friends who are stuck in their own judgments and limitations. You may see patterns or wounds mirrored back to you, so be willing to do the inner work to overcome those patterns. And forgiveness will help you move forward faster than resentment, so the Unicorns say to bless them, forgive them, and then let them go.
This card encourages you to follow your guidance to new places or attend events where you have the chance to meet people from your soul group. They are looking for you, just as you are looking for them. It’ll be beautiful when you recognize each other!
Page of Pentacles (on the bottom of the deck)
This page reminds us to get grounded, be practical, but still run toward your dreams! Keep one foot firmly planted on the earth, but seek the confidence needed to create the prosperous life you want. Pentacles are about abundance in all areas of your life, and this reading is full of pentacles!
Three of Wands
You are headed in the right direction to see where it is you want to be right now. Be on the lookout for your like-minded soul tribe who offer support and make you feel good. Your dreams are on the way because you’ve been putting in the work and are almost right where you want to be. With a little help from your friends you’ll get there!
Queen of Pentacles
We have the whole family of pentacles in this reading! From the 10 of pentacles through the king of pentacles, abundance is ready to flow!
Know that you’re worthy to receive good things in life, and shift any shadows you may be clinging to around wealth and security. Now is a good time to connect with nature, get grounded, and harness the abundance that’s available to you. Give support to others in need right now, and they will support you. Make sure it’s an even exchange and everyone will be happy and get what they’re looking for.
Eight of Cups
Leave behind what’s not working. There may be people you feel obligated to entertain, but if it doesn’t lead to your happiness, then it’s time to let go. It’s time to choose yourself so you can move forward.
Ace of Wands
There’s so much coming in for you, to energize and excite you! New avenues are opening up to get you where you want to be–happy, content, relaxed, and joyful! Be open to receive new insights and possibilities from one of those new soul-tribe friends you’re about to meet!
King of Pentacles
All you desire can be attained when you hold your power and make good choices for yourself. Enjoy the journey–every lesson, challenge, failure, and success. Plan where you want to be and manifest it, because you can!
The Wheel
Right now things are looking good for you to get what you want and live the life you want! As the wheel spins, things are continually changing, so enjoy the ride. Don’t try to force anything, but go with the flow. Be open to new opportunities to move your life forward, and be ready for a fortuitous meeting of someone special to change your life for the better.
Ten of Pentacles
You can have it all right now if you surround yourself with those who want the best for you. And it’s important to be the friend they need so they can be their best, too! Abundance, love, and happiness are coming your way, so be ready to spread it around with those who are closest to you! Bring positive energy into your life, and watch everything shift for the better!
Knight of Pentacles
You’ve been doing the work and it’s time for your payday! Keep planting seeds so the harvest continues. Move out any stagnant energy that blocks your dreams of success and watch your world expand to a brighter and successful life.
Three of Pentacles
Working together with the right group of people will bring you the abundance that you seek in all areas of your life. Be willing to learn from others and blend your energies to create something magical.
This card reading is so exciting! Abundance in all forms are on the horizon and is yours for the manifesting!
Keep your thoughts positive and be open to receive the abundance and blessings coming your way.
Release those who are not on the same wavelength and path. Seek out others who have a like mindset and your best interests at heart. You’ll be happier if you do.
Remember like attracts like, so keep your thoughts positive and clear about what you do want and the Universe will bless you with the same.
For this month’s collective tarot card reading I used The Light Seers Tarot by Chris-Anne and Oracle of the Unicorns by Cordelia Francesca Brabbs.
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