This card reading is about finding your own inner strength to change the script of your life! Connecting with Nature is the first step to the right path!
The theme of this reading from the Oracle of the Unicorns is Nature. “Ground yourself. Find your sanctuary in nature. Connect with the elementals.”
This beautiful Unicorn card says, “Spend time out in nature before you make a decision or take your next steps in this situation. Either you need the clarity of mind that time in nature will bring or you need to release some stress and become more calm and grounded before moving forward.”
Find a beautiful sanctuary in nature and breathe in the pure air to relax and connect more deeply with your heart. It helps you to listen to your inner wisdom and gain a new perspective. Breathe in all the healing energy that surrounds you.
Visualizing your desires in nature can help manifest faster, so take time to relax and energize your dream life as if it’s already happening.
Be sure to give thanks when you retreat from your chosen sanctuary and give back by taking care of the earth.
I very much relate to this card, and I know by choosing to love myself and taking this well-deserved respite, I’m going to be able to move into the next phase of my life!
Ace of Swords (on the bottom of the deck)
New doors are opening, and massive clarity is coming in! You know what you want, and it’s time to clearly communicate your truth from within. You have the knowledge and strength to make the changes that will help you grow and move forward. Use your time in nature to clear your head.
Eight of Swords
Let go and release any mental anguish that’s haunting you. You are very capable of releasing the burdens you’re carrying. Trust in yourself. You create your reality.
Being the only major arcana card in the reading, this card has a very important message! Know that you are magical! Find your spark when out in nature. You have the tools to change your life and move forward in a more fulfilling way. Believe in the magic you possess to change for the better and attract the magical life you want.
Six of Cups
Your inner child is crying out for change. They want you to remember how much fun life is and embrace it, claim it, and live it! Be at peace with your past so you can move freely into your future.
Page of Swords
Let your mind be open to new thoughts and ideas. Learn more about something you’re very interested in. The spark is there and you just need to communicate what you want and go for it!
Ten of Swords
I’ve been pulling this card quite a bit lately. It’s time to leave the past behind and start fresh. Let go of the pain and hurt from the past because you have so much to look forward to. If an ending was abrupt and very painful, know that the polarity is about to come in. Learn the lesson, gain strength, and move forward into a new and brighter life ahead. Be open to love and joy coming in!
Two of Cups
I love this card! There’s so much love coming in for you! When you love yourself first, you open the door to loving others and being loved. Share your joy to attract others with similar minds, hopes, and dreams!
Knight of Swords
It’s time to get moving! Action is needed to plant new seeds so that progress will continue to grow. Get rejuvenated and then run toward success! Clear your mind and come back recharged and ready to bring some magic into your life!
Two of Wands
The choice is yours to make! Do you want to continue on the same path, or do you want to try something new and exciting to move you into the life you want? You can remain where you are in your comfort zone, or you can venture into the unknown and change your world and possibly the whole world around you! Dream it and envision it. Begin to live it. The fiery wand energy is with you to help you make that move.
I love this amazing reading! As I rest my brain and body and have only thoughts of feeding my soul, having fun, seeking love and joy in everyone I meet, I find all the answers I need!
We all need to stop, slow down, and rest at times. Spending time in nature is the best therapy we can give ourselves. Allowing the mind to relax and reset, we allow clarity to enter and fill us with the excitement of fresh thoughts and ideas to change our lives for the better!
Take a walk in nature, feel the sun refresh your body, and open your heart for love to come in and flow out. You’ll be so happy when you do! Sending much Rastafarian love to all!
For this month’s collective tarot card reading I used The Light Seers Tarot by Chris-Anne and Oracle of the Unicorns by Cordelia Francesca Brabbs.
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